Get your new year off to the perfect start and tackle this three-part giant sets workout – with just one pair of dumbbells – from online coach James Middleton…
Giant sets – multiple sets of different moves done back-to-back with little or no rest – are a great way to kick-start stubborn muscles into growth, and the high work rate ensures a serious calorie burn in the process. This giant sets workout is an ideal complement to resistance band exercises for legs.
While supersets often target antagonistic muscles, giant sets tent to target a single body part – in this case, legs, then arms, then abs – to maximise muscle recruitment.
In other words, get ready to feel the burn!
Giant sets workout
Giant set 1
1a. DB Goblet Squat
1b. Bulgarian Split Squat
1c. DB Lunge
1d. DB Single-Leg Glute Bridge
Giant set 2
2a. DB Skullcrusher
2b. Press-Up
2c. DB Alternating Biceps Curl
Giant set 3
3a. Ab Walkout
3b. Russian Twist
3c. Bicycle Crunch
- Complete 12 reps of each exercise.
- Do each exercise in the set back-to-back, with minimal rest.
- Once you’ve completed the fourth exercise, rest for 60-90 secs.
- Complete 4 rounds in total.

1a. DB Goblet Squat
- Start with your feet just outside hip-width, toes slightly turned out, holding a dumbbell by one end close to your chest.
- Pull your ribs down and brace your core.
- While keeping your chest lifted, send your hips backwards and bend your knees to descend.
- Squeeze your glutes and push the floor away with your heels to return to standing.

1b. Bulgarian Split Squat
- Rest the instep of your back foot on a chair and plant your front foot so it’s facing forwards.
- Your hips should be facing forward and your torso should be upright with your core braced.
- Keeping your torso upright, lower until your front thigh is parallel to the floor.
- Keep your front knee in line with your foot but make sure it doesn’t travel beyond your toes.

1c. DB Lunge
- Start with your feet hip-width, holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides.
- Engage your core and take a long stride forward, keeping your torso upright and allowing your back knee to stop just above the floor.
- Drive through your front heel, while simultaneously pushing away the floor with your back foot to join your legs and return to standing.
- Repeat on the other leg.

1d. DB Single-Leg Glute Bridge
- Lie face up on the floor, with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
- Hold a dumbbell on your upper left thigh.
- Lift your right leg off the floor as your raise your hips off the ground until your knees, hips and shoulders form a straight line.
- Squeeze your glutes and keep your bellybutton drawn in so that you don’t over-extend your back.
- Hold the bridged position, while driving your hands into the ground, for a couple of seconds before easing back down.
- Complete all your reps on this side, then switch.
For a full-body workout incorporate this whole-body supersets workout into your routine
- Complete 15 reps of each exercise.
- Do each exercise in the set back-to-back, with minimal rest.
- At the end of the set, rest for 60 secs.
- Complete 4 rounds in total.

2a. DB Skullcrusher
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand and lie face up on the floor, with knees bent.
- Lift the weights above your chest with palms facing each other.
- Tuck your elbows in and press your shoulders down, then slowly bend your elbows to lower the dumbbells to around ear height.
- Keep your upper arms as fixed as possible to isolate the triceps.
- Press back up to the start.

2b. Press-Up
- Position your hands underneath your chest – in the press-up position, you should be able to draw a straight line from your nipple to your thumbnail.
- Your body should form a straight line from the top of your head to your heels – think straight-arm plank, with an extra movement.
- Stay ‘tight’ throughout: clench your glutes and tighten your abs, as if you’re about to take a punch to the stomach.
- ‘Screw’ the heels of your hands into the floor. Doing so will stabilise your shoulder joints and give you more strength for each rep.

2c. DB Alternating Biceps Curl
- Stand with your back straight, your shoulders back and your core braced.
- Grip the dumbbells with palms facing out and tuck your elbows into your sides.
- Curl one weight up, without rotating your wrists and keeping your elbows tucked in.
- Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement.
- Lower with control and repeat with the other arm.
Switch to supersets with this bodyweight supersets workout
- Complete 20 reps of each exercise.
- Do each exercise in the set back-to-back, with minimal rest.
- At the end of the set, rest for 60 secs.
- Complete 4 rounds in total.

3a. Ab Walkout
- Stand tall with feet hip-width apart.
- Crouch to the ground and walk your hands forward into a high plank.
- Pause to feel the activation of your abs.
- Walk your hands back towards your feet, before coming up to a low squat and returning to standing.

3b. Russian Twist
- Sit on the floor, with your back straight and knees bent at 45˚.
- Hold a dumbbell in both hands.
- Twist your torso to one side, and tap the weight on the floor.
- Maintaining tension in your abs, twist your torso to the opposite side, using your abs to control the momentum.
- Tapping both sides equals one rep.

3c. Bicycle Crunch
- Lie on your back, with hands held behind your head.
- Bring your knees up, with shins parallel to the floor.
- Straighten your left leg out and turn your upper body to the right, bringing your left elbow towards your right knee.
- Return to the centre, with both knees bent and elbows wide.
- Repeat on the other side. That’s one rep.
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