With any warm-up, you want to get your heart rate up and prepare your individual muscle groups for the work to come. A resistance band is the ideal tool for the job, giving you controlled resistance throughout your warm-up routine, helping you get prepped and ready to work out.
If you’re in need of some inspiration, the following eight-move circuit will get you primed for action. A single circuit is the perfect preparation for most workouts. Or you could do the whole thing three to four times – or divide it into a series of supersets – for a muscle-building full-body workout.
Why you can trust the workouts in Men’s Fitness
At Men’s Fitness we pride ourselves on delivering information that serves a singular purpose: to improve some aspect of your health, fitness or wellbeing. For over 16 years, we’ve been publishing authoritative health and fitness content – written by our expert editors and contributors. Each of our workouts has been created and tested by either a highly experienced editor or expert contributor. This full-body resistance band warm-up was devised by Farren Morgan, a serving soldier and Physical Training Instructor (PTI) for the Coldstream Guards.
Exercises in this full-body resistance band warm-up
Front raise

Reps: 10
- Loop the band under both feet
- Hold the other end of the band and stand tall
- Keeping back and arms straight and shoulders pinned back, raise the band directly up until hands are shoulder height
- Pause for one second, then return to the start
Side raise

Reps: 10
- Stand tall, with one foot on the band
- Grip the other end of the band
- Keeping your chest up and a bend in your elbow, raise the band out to shoulder height, then lower back to the start
Bent-over row

Reps: 10
- Stand on one side of the band with both feet
- Hinge at the hips and grip the band
- Drive your elbows back to your side and pinch your shoulder blades together
- Pause for a split-second, then straighten your arms to return to the start
Overhead squat

Reps: 10
- Take a shoulder-width grip of the band
- Hold tight, with the band in contact with the heels of your hands
- Throughout the exercise, your elbows should be directly under your hands
- Press the band overhead and lock your elbows
- Now squat down, keeping your arms directly overhead
- Go as low as you can with perfect form, then drive back up to standing

Reps: 10
- Start in a plank position, placing hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with the resistance band behind your back and around your palms
- Bend your elbows and lower your chest towards the floor
- Pause just above the floor and press back up to the start position

- Loop one end of the band around the base of your foot
- Cross your hip crease with the middle of the band
- Loop the other end over your shoulders
- Squat down with control, keeping core braced and shoulders retracted
- Drive through your heels, raise and tuck your hips
Triceps kickback

Reps: 10
- Hold the band behind your back, with your heels anchoring one side of the band to the ground
- Bring your elbows up so upper arms are parallel to the floor
- Fully extend your arms with the other end of the band straight out behind your back and return to the start position
Biceps curl

Reps: 10
- Loop the band under your feet
- Grip the other end of the band with hands at shoulder-width
- Hold the band with arms extended
- Curl the band up to chest height, squeezing your biceps at the top
- Lower with control
This Mirafit resistance band set has a combination of resistances that would make them ideal for this full-body resistance band warm-up:
Photography: Eddie Macdonald
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