Unlock your athletic potential with this targeted mobility routine designed to boost runners’ flexibility and prevent injuries for athletes of all levels
This mobility routine from recovery app pliability focuses on the quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, adductors, and calves to improve flexibility, strength, and overall mobility. By targeting these areas, it alleviates strain and enhances the range of motion in the hips and legs, which is beneficial for anyone who runs or plays sport regularly.
Runner’s stretch (lead image)
Hold: 1-2 mins
Why: This stretch helps improve flexibility, enhance stride length, and prevent muscle tightness by stretching the hip flexors, hamstrings, and calves.
- Begin by standing and take a very large step forward with one leg
- Keep the heel of the opposite leg down on the ground and ensure the foot is pointed straight forward
- Feel a strong stretch through the back of the calf of the extended leg
- Hold the stretch, focusing on breathing deeply. Maintain good posture throughout
After one minute, switch to the other leg, repeating the process

Hold: 1-2 mins
Why: This stretch improves flexibility, releases tension in the hips, and enhances mobility by targeting the inner thighs, groin, and hips.
- Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Slowly widen your knees as far apart as is comfortable
- Position your lower legs so they form a 90-degree angle with your thighs, with your feet flexed
- Lower your forearms to the ground or a yoga block, keeping your back straight and your gaze forward
- Hold the stretch, focusing on deep, steady breathing

Half saddle
Hold: 1-2 mins
Why: Helps open the ventral side of the body, targeting hip flexors, quadriceps, and sacrum.
- Start from a seated position, extend your left leg forward, and tuck your right foot back next to your right hip
- Lean back on your hands or elbows
Breathe and relax, then switch sides

Knee flexion rotation
Hold: 1-2 mins
Why: Loosens knee stiffness, increasing hip and lower back mobility.
- Start in a half kneeling position with your right knee up, hands on the knee, and turn the knee to the outside
- Lean forward, then back off the pressure, and turn the knee to the inside
Perform these rotations, then switch sides

Cossack squat
Hold: 1-2 mins
Why: Improves lower-body range of motion and strengthens adductors.
- Stand with legs spread wide outside the shoulders
- Reach hips back towards one heel while keeping the other leg straight, pause, then press through the heel to stand
- Continue alternating sides