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Results for dumbbell

  1. Take On This Upper-Body Dumbbell Workout

    Blitz your upper body with this classic push/pull formula for maximum muscle

  2. Build Stronger Pecs With This Dumbbell Chest Workout

    This dumbbell chest workout can be incredibly valuable if you're training alone, short on time or recovering from injury

  3. My Review Of The NordicTrack Select-A-Weight Dumbbells

    Two easy-to-use 55lb adjustable dumbbells for $399 represents excellent value for money, says our reviewer Chris Smith

  4. Small-Space Dumbbell Workout: Get Fit Without a Bench

    The ideal session for packed-out gyms, or cramped living rooms

  5. Try This Dumbbell-Only Leg Workout

    One pair of dumbbells is all you need to work your legs from every angle and build lower-body strength from home

  6. How To Use Adjustable Dumbbells

    Knowing how to use adjustable dumbbells means you can change the weight quickly and in small increments to fine-tune your workouts

  7. 15-Minute Dumbbell Workout For When You’re Short On Time

    Achieve a full-body pump in next to no time

  8. Best Dumbbell Exercises for Arms and Shoulders

    Maintain your gains with this at-home shoulders and arms workout that requires nothing more than a pair of dumbbells and a living room chair

  9. Dumbbell HIIT Workout For A Full-Body Burn At Home

    This fat-burning workout requires just one pair of light to medium-weight dumbbells and can be done anywhere with enough room to swing them

  10. Dumbbell Ab Workout

    Dumbbells are the ideal tool for targeting your entire midsection

  11. Best Dumbbell Forearm Exercises 

    While all upper-body weight training will help develop your forearms, getting to grips with the best dumbbell forearm exercises will work them in isolation for greater benefits

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