Results for barbell
Barbell hip thrust benefits: why you should do more
The best way to build stronger glutes is the often overlooked but hugely effective hip thrust
The best barbell exercises for every muscle group
Utilise the barbell’s heavier load to get big, strong and powerful
Bulldog Gear Cerakote 20kg 7ft Olympic Barbell Review: My Choice For Versatility
An ideal first barbell or one for home gym set-ups
DMoose 2-in-1 Adjustable Dumbbell/Barbell Review: I Value Its Versatility
The robust DMoose 2-in-1 set gives you the versatility of both dumbbell and barbell training through a wide weight range
Barbell Complex Workout To Test Your Strength & Stamina
This barbell complex tests speed, power and endurance. Keep the weight light and resist the urge to set the bar down
These Are Our Favourite Barbell Arms Exercises For Adding Size & Strength
Build your biceps and triceps with these must-try moves
Dumbbells vs Barbells
There's space for dumbbells and barbells in every man's workout regime…
Kettlebells vs barbells – what’s best for you?
Fitness expert and world-renowned PT Luke Worthington explains the relative benefits of both
Build Lean Muscle With This Barbell Complex Workout
Combine these five full-body lifts into a full-throttle fat-fighting complex
Landmine exercises: 6 of my favorite moves
Build full-body strength with these highly effective exercises
Take on this upper-body dumbbell workout to blitz your top half
Blitz your upper body with this classic push/pull formula for maximum muscle