Luke Worthington, MF cover model and head trainer for the new season of ITV series Harry’s Heroes, instructed the ex-pros who appear on the show to do this mobility routine every day.

“We used this routine each morning, after long journeys, and before every game and training session,” says Worthington.

“The movements chosen are to ‘reverse’ some of the most common niggly areas people face after periods of inactivity. The routine focuses on moving the four major joints (both hips and both shoulders) through their full range of motion, while stabilising the core and midsection.

“This builds an active range of motion, improves joint health and posture, and prepares the body for exercise.”

Try Harry's Heroes PT Luke Worthington's Mobility Routine – Men's Fitness

1. 90-90 Hip Lift Exhale
Reps: 6 breaths

  • Lie on your back with both heels supported on a stool, box, or chair – you should have a 90-degree bend at your hips and knees.
  • Squeeze your heels down onto the box, until you feel the muscles at the back of your thighs ‘activate’.
  • Keep squeezing your heels down until your tailbone lifts off the floor by approximately 1 inch.
  • Reach your arms straight out in front of you, palms facing each other.
  • Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale hard, reaching your fingertips towards the ceiling as you exhale.
  • Repeat for 5 more breaths.

Try Harry's Heroes PT Luke Worthington's Mobility Routine – Men's Fitness

2. Deadbugs
Reps: 8 each side

  • Lying flat on your back, try to get as much of your spine in contact with the ground surface as you can.
  • Raise your arms straight up towards the ceiling and make a 90-degree bend at the hips and knees to create a ‘reverse table top’ with your shins.
  • Without any part of your spine losing contact with the floor, reach your left arm up above your head and extend your right left leg.
  • Push your heel away and pull your toes back towards you as you extend – imagine you are standing on that leg.
  • Fully exhale as you reach the longest part of the movement.
  • Without allowing your heel to touch the floor, slowly return back to the set-up position.
  • Repeat with the opposite arm and leg.

Try Harry's Heroes PT Luke Worthington's Mobility Routine – Men's Fitness

3. Single-Leg Glute Bridge
Reps: 6 each side

  • Lie flat on your back with knees bent and feet planted flat.
  • Take one foot off the floor and grab the lifted knee with both hands.
  • Tuck your chin into your chest to protect your neck, and press the grounded foot into the floor to drive your hips towards the ceiling.
  • The finish position should see your body form a straight line from your shoulder, through your hip, to your knee.
  • Return slowly to rest your hips on the floor without letting go of your knee.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.

Try Harry's Heroes PT Luke Worthington's Mobility Routine – Men's Fitness

4. Side-Lying Windmill
Reps: 6 each side

  • Lie on your side with one leg flexed in front of you and the other extended behind.
  • Put a pillow, towel, or foam roller beneath the knee of the top leg to ensure your hips remain facing forwards.
  • Place both arms straight out in front of you, with palms together.
  • Keeping your abdominals engaged and your hips facing forwards, attempt to draw a circle on the floor with the fingertips of the top hand, by reaching it up and overhead.
  • Once you reach 180 degrees and your upper body is in a ‘T’ shape, bring the arm back across your body to the start position.
  • Ensure your head follows your hand by fixing your gaze on the fingertips of the moving arm.

Try Harry's Heroes PT Luke Worthington's Mobility Routine – Men's Fitness

5. Kneeling Glute Stretch
Reps: 6 each side

  • Get into an ‘all fours’ position on the floor, with your hips above your knees.
  • Tuck your right ankle into the back of your opposite knee – making a ‘figure 4’ position with your legs.
  • Keeping the ankle anchored and your hands flat to the floor, rock your hips back and towards the right-hand side – you should feel a stretch through the outside of your right buttock.
  • Repeat for the appropriate number of reps on each side.

Try Harry's Heroes PT Luke Worthington's Mobility Routine – Men's Fitness

6. Rocked-Back Adductor with Reach
Reps: 8 each side

  • Assume the all fours table-top position on the floor, with your hips above your knees.
  • Extend your right leg out to the side at 90 degrees to your body, placing the foot flat on the floor.
  • Keeping the hands planted on the floor, rock your hips backwards until you feel a stretch on the inside of your right thigh.
  • Once you reach this rocked-back position, reach and rotate your right hand towards the ceiling, ensuring that your head follows the path of your right arm.
  • Rotate your right arm back to the floor and rock your hips forwards to release the stretch.
  • Switch sides and repeat.

Try Harry's Heroes PT Luke Worthington's Mobility Routine – Men's Fitness

7. Dynamic Spiderman
Reps: 6 each side

  • Assume a high plank position, with your hands just wider than your shoulders and your fingers spread apart.
  • Squeeze your glutes and abdominals to protect your spine.
  • Engage the muscles of your upper back by ‘shrugging downwards’.
  • Step your right foot to the outside of your right hand and as the foot steps forward, try to lift your chest without arching your back – your abs will have to work hard to achieve this.
  • Step the right foot back to the high plank position and repeat the process on the other side.

Try Harry's Heroes PT Luke Worthington's Mobility Routine – Men's Fitness

8. Wall Slides
Reps: 8

  • Stand facing a wall or other smooth surface – you should be roughly two feet away from it.
  • Step one foot forwards so it’s up against the bottom of the wall.
  • Lean forwards and place both forearms parallel to each other on the wall at approximately your shoulder height.
  • Brace your abs hard and slide your forearms up and out on the wall, ensuring that your elbows and wrists remains in contact with the wall.
  • Keeping your chin tucked in, reach your hands as high as you can manage – you should feel a stretch in your upper back.
  • Keeping your elbows and wrists in contact with the wall, slide your forearms back down and repeat the movement 7 more times.

Try Harry's Heroes PT Luke Worthington's Mobility Routine – Men's Fitness

9. Wall Shoulder Flexion
Reps: 10

  • Stand with your back against a wall – try to get as much of your spine as you can, plus the back of your head, in contact with the wall.
  • Without allowing either your head or any part of your back to come off the wall, reach your arms up and out above your head – you should be making a ‘Y’ shape when viewed from the front.
  • Maintaining contact between the wall, your spine and your head, lower your arms back down to the start position.
  • You can progress this movement by including a full inhale and exhale in the overhead position.
  • Repeat for 10 reps.


Watch Luke Worthington in action in Harry’s Heroes: Euro Having a Laugh on Monday 18th, Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th on @itv and ITV Hub.

Photography: Keaton Chau