Melt fat, fast, with this seven-move high-intensity workout.

Promising “real people, real results”, Train Wright is the fitness app from brothers Mark and Josh Wright.

For the following fat-burning workout – like most sessions on the platform – there’s no need for a gym full of kit or loads of space; just clear a patch of floor at home or down the park and you’re good to go.

For each exercise, complete all the sets before moving onto the next move.

Tackle this Bodyweight HIIT Workout from Train Wright | Men's Fitness UK

1. Quick Feet

Reps: 30 secs
15 secs

This is a great cardio move for raising your heart rate and torching fat. If you’re doing it right, you shouldn’t be able to go much longer than 30 seconds!

  • This is essentially sprinting on the spot.
  • Stay on the balls of your feet and drive using your arms, only lifting each foot a few inches from the floor.
  • Aim to keep your feet moving as fast as you can throughout.

Tackle this Bodyweight HIIT Workout from Train Wright | Men's Fitness UK

2. Jumping Lunge

Reps: 45 secs
15 secs

This will set your quads on fire, revving up your metabolism and building lower body muscle.

  • From standing, step into a forward lunge, with your front knee in line with your front foot and your back knee just off the floor.
  • Drive through both heels to jump up, switching legs in the air and landing in another lunge, this time with the opposite foot forward.
  • Jump up again, switching legs once more.
  • Continue to alternate legs.

RELATED: Mark and Josh Wright On Their New Training Platform

Tackle this Bodyweight HIIT Workout from Train Wright | Men's Fitness UK

3. Knee Slam

Reps: 40 secs
 20 secs

This is an effective fat-burning full-body exercise.

  • Imagine you’re holding a stick between your hands and want to break it over your knee.
  • Standing up straight, lift both arms above your head, before quickly bringing your hands down towards your right knee as you drive up.
  • Power through with the right knee before standing up straight again, lifting your arms above your head and then driving into your left knee.

Tackle this Bodyweight HIIT Workout from Train Wright | Men's Fitness UK

4. Speed Skater

Reps: 30 secs
30 secs

While this exercise will work your entire body, the quads and glutes get special attention.

  • Starting with your knees bent and body leaning forward, push sideways off your left leg and hop onto your right foot.
  • Focus on balancing by using your core and glutes to stabilise your body, before pushing off your right foot and hopping onto you left.
  • Repeat the movement and allow your arms to move naturally across your body to help balance as you land each time.

Tackle this Bodyweight HIIT Workout from Train Wright | Men's Fitness UK

5. Burpee

Reps: 30 secs
 15 secs

The daddy of full-body fat-burning moves, burpees will get your heart rate up quicker than just about every other exercise.

  • Stand tall.
  • Drop down into the start of a squat thrust, then jump your feet back to a press-up position.
  • From here, you can either drop your torso all the way to the floor, or go straight into jumping your feet back to your hands and returning to standing.
  • As you stand, jump up before landing with soft knees.
  • Gather your breath and repeat.

Tackle this Bodyweight HIIT Workout from Train Wright | Men's Fitness UK

6. Press-Up

Reps: 45 secs
30 secs

The ultimate bodyweight exercise for upper-body strength, stability and core control.

  • When you lower, you should keep your elbows tucked into your body. If you let them flare out it will place extra strain on your elbow joints, which could lead to injury.
  • Make sure your hips are level throughout the exercise; if you let them sag it will put strain on your lower back. It’s also a sign that you’ve lost core control, so keep them up to make sure that you’re staying stable

Tackle this Bodyweight HIIT Workout from Train Wright | Men's Fitness UK

7. Jab, Jab, Uppercut

Reps: 60 secs
30 secs

Shadow boxing is great cardio that will really get your shoulders and triceps burning,

  • Stand with your leading hand and foot forward, your body turned sideways and fists raised so they are level with your chin, as if you were protecting your head from an invisible opponent.
  • Jab forwards twice with your leading hand, before following through with an uppercut from your rear hand – using your legs to generate more power.

The Train Wright app is available to download via the Apple App Store and Google Play. For more information visit