This resistance band workout for beginners – from PT and founder of Lemon Studios, Sam Shaw – targets the glutes. All you need is one small resistance band and an exercise ball.
If you’ve only just started strength training, investing in a set of the best resistance bands will offer a simple and accessible way to add something extra to your workouts.
In this particular workout, you will be targeting your glutes. It’s an effective workout in its own right, but it will also give you a feel for activating your lower body muscles, so you can progress to weighted versions of some of these exercises – the squat, for example – with a feel for bracing your core and squeezing those glutes.
Resistance band glutes workout for beginners

1. Banded lateral crab walk
Time: 1 min each side
Sets: 3
- Start by placing a glute band just above your knees.
- Position your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and hinge your hips backward.
- Engage your glutes by pushing out against the band while keeping your feet wide.
- Take 8 small steps to the left, ensuring the band remains tight. Repeat the same movement on the right side.
2. Banded monster walk (forward and back)
Time: 1 min each side
Sets: 3
- Begin by placing a glute band just above your knees.
- Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and hinge your hips.
- Engage your glutes by pushing out against the band’s tension.
- Take 8 small steps forward, keeping the band as tight as possible.
- Repeat the same movement for 8 steps back.
3. Banded squat
Reps: 15
Sets: 3
- Stand tall with your legs shoulder-width apart, ensuring your weight is on your heels.
- Keep your chest up and your back straight.
- Lower yourself down into a 90-degree angle, feeling the weight through your glutes and hamstrings.
- Drive up and squeeze the glutes at the top of the movement.
4. Banded hip thrust
Reps: 15
Sets: 3
- Lie face up on the floor with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
- Tuck your tailbone underneath and drive through your heels, lifting your hips up towards the ceiling while engaging your glutes.
- Slowly lower down, maintaining tension in the glutes.
- Keep the weight in your heels throughout the exercise.
5. Standing banded kickback
Reps: 20 each side
Sets: 3
- Place a band around your knee and stand tall with your hands on the wall for stability.
- Activate your core and engage your glute muscles.
- Raise your leg out to the side as far as possible while maintaining tension on the band throughout each repetition.
- Slowly bring the leg back to the midline and repeat.
6. Seated glute band abduction
Reps: 15-20
Sets: 3
- Place the band around your knees and sit up tall with your feet planted on the ground.
- Ensure your knees are at a 90-degree angle and shoulder-width apart.
- Engage your core and push your knees out as wide as possible, creating tension through the band.
- Hold for 2 seconds, then slowly bring the knees back to shoulder-width.
- Maintain tension in the glutes throughout the entire set.
7. Banded exercise ball hip thrust
Reps: 15
Sets: 3
- Lie face up on the exercise ball, with your upper back positioned in the middle of the ball.
- Keep your feet on the floor, knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
- Tuck your tailbone underneath and drive through your heels, lifting your hips up towards the ceiling while engaging your glutes.
- Slowly lower down, maintaining tension in the glutes.
- Keep the weight in your heels throughout the exercise.
Benefits of training with resistance bands
“Resistance bands are an excellent tool to incorporate into your workouts for various reasons,” says Sam Shaw. “When used for the best resistance band exercises, they provide an effective means of building strength, by imposing constant tension on the muscles throughout the full range of motion. The key to maximising the effectiveness of resistance bands lies in maintaining continuous tension on the band, which in turn challenges the muscles.
Importance of training your glutes
If you tend to skip lower-body day and only work on your upper body, it might be time to rethink your training regime. “Building up glute strength is key to having a well-balanced physique,” explains Sam. “Strong glutes will also allow you to live a healthier, happier life, because they stabilise your pelvis in conjunction with your core to help maintain healthy posture. In turn, that can mitigate the risk of future injury, as well as reduce hip and knee pain.”
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