The Super Trainer team at Beachbody On Demand have come together to bring you seven moves to level up your home workouts. Power up and push through to light up your muscles.

©Joel Freeman, creator of 10 Rounds
1. High Plank Twist with Oblique Crunch
Reps: 30 secs each side
Sets: 2 each side
Rest: 30 secs between sets
- Begin in high plank with hands directly underneath your shoulders.
- Shift your weight onto the right side as you open your body towards the side, extending your left arm to the sky and keeping hips lifted.
- Staying in the side plank, lift your left leg up, then bring your left elbow and knee into an oblique crunch.
- Extend your leg back out, then rotate back into high plank.
- Repeat on the other side.

©Amoila Cesar, creator of 6 Weeks of The Work
2. ‘Man-Makers’
Reps: 10
Sets: 3
Rest: 60-90 secs
- Start in a standing position with a dumbbell in each hand.
- Lower your dumbbells to the ground and assume a press-up position, with hands on the dumbbells.
- Perform a full press-up.
- As you return to the top of the press-up, pull one arm up into a row.
- Repeat the same movement with the other arm.
- Next, jump both feet towards the outside of your hands and stand up, going straight into a full squat clean thruster.
- You should be in a low squat, holding both dumbbells over your shoulders.
- In a continuous movement, stand up and perform an overhead dumbbell press, lifting the dumbbells straight into the air.
- Return to the squat position, placing the dumbbells shoulder-width apart again on the floor, jumping both feet back into the modified press-up position in which you started.
3. Crossover Curtsy
Reps: 10
Sets: 3
Rest: 60 secs
- Stand tall with your feet hip-width and parallel, holding a set of dumbbells by your sides.
- Step your right leg in front of your left and far enough so you can bend both knees to 90 degrees.
- Keep your weight in the heel of your right foot and make sure your torso is upright.
- Step your right leg back to the starting position.
- Now, step your left leg behind your right leg, stepping far enough so you can bend both knees to 90 degrees.
- Step your left leg back to the starting position and repeat.
4. Deadlift Kickstand
Reps: 10
Sets: 3
Rest: 60 secs
- Holding a dumbbell in one hand, stand with both knees slightly bent and feet hip-width apart.
- Whatever hand the dumbbell is in, step forward with the opposite leg.
- The foot that comes forward needs to be flexed and extended, with only your heel touching the ground. The balls of your feet should be lifted off the ground, mimicking a kickstand position.
- Hinge forward with your hips, keeping your back long and straight.
- Descend as low as you can without compromising your spinal alignment.
- Finally, return to start position and repeat.

©Chris Downing, creator of Shift Shop
5. Plyo Shifter
Reps: 60 secs
Sets: 3
Rest: 30 secs
- Start by straddling a marker/cone in a push-up position, with your wrists under your shoulders and your head, hips and heels in one straight line.
- Bend your elbows and perform a press-up.
- As you extend up, push through your hands and feet and jump your body over to the next marker, landing softly.
- After you complete your second plyo press-up, jump your feet to your hands, bend your knees, swing your arms and jump laterally to the final marker.
- Reverse this motion, and plyo press-up your way back to the start.

©Megan Davies
6. Inchworm to Mountain Climber
Reps: 30 secs
Sets: 3
Rest: 60 secs
- Stand tall with feet under hips. Crouch to the ground and walk your hands forwards into high plank.
- With shoulders over your wrists, drive your knees to your chest.
- Alternate legs and move as fast as you can with good form (you can use kitchen towels on a smooth floor to limit the noise).
- Complete 10 knee drives on each leg (20 reps in total) before walking your hands back towards your feet, coming up to a low squat and standing back up.
- Repeat.
7. Thruster
Reps: 12
Sets: 3
Rest: 60 secs
- Hold a pair of dumbbells at shoulder height, with weights parallel to the ground.
- Sit your hips back and lower into a squat.
- Stand up with power, while driving the weights overhead.
- In the overhead position, your core and glutes should squeeze and biceps should be by your ears.
- Return the weights to your shoulders and move into the next rep.
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