Build full-body strength and lean muscle with this full-body cover model workout plan from veteran Men’s Fitness model Richard Scrivener…

Some models look flawless when stationary but decidedly less stellar when they’re in motion. Not Richard Scrivener.

The veteran Men’s Fitness model and personal trainer spends at least as long working on his movements as he does on building muscle.

“I typically train between five and eight times a week,” says Scrivener. “I ensure that I work on multiple fitness components every single week: strength, conditioning, power, mobility, movement mastery, flexibility and basic gymnastics. When I feel that my body can tolerate it, I’ll add some hypertrophy too.”

That clearly happens a lot, because… well, look at him. 

And in case there’s any doubt, he also throws a mean kick. “I’m absolutely addicted to capoeira,” he says. “I train at the London School of Capoeira once or twice every week. It’s a blend of martial arts and gymnastics and gives me one of the toughest workouts I do – it’s great for building flexibility, control and strength and this definitely carries over into my other training.”

It’s definitely not just about looking good for Scrivener – he describes fitness as “my lifetime’s work and my passion”. “I love to learn,” he says. “Over the years an incredible amount of knowledge about exercise has become accessible from all the scientific research conducted, and that’s made the health and fitness industry extremely interesting.

“Working in this industry, I’m constantly learning about how to make myself and my clients more healthy. All the other stuff people crave, such as a strong, lean physique, enhanced energy and better performance, comes as a by-product of good health.”

So there you have it: work on getting healthy, and watch the rest follow. 

Richard Scrivener’s weekly cover model workout plan

(Workout 1)
 Olympic lifting and mobility
(Workout 2)
 Morning: Upper-body strength
Afternoon: Capoeira class
 Mobility and basic gymnastics
(Workout 3)
 Morning: Lower-body strength
Afternoon: Capoeira class
 Mobility, conditioning, barefoot running,  HIIT

Workout 1: Mobility

Warm up with some dynamic stretches and general mobility work, such as leg and arm swings and foam rolling, then do this circuit with a very light or even unweighted barbell.

Alternatively, do this circuit before you work out

man in blue t-shirt and shorts performing upward dog yoga pose man in blue t-shirt and shorts performing downward dog yoga pose

1. Downward to upward dog

Reps: 10

  • Start in an upside-down V-shape, with your hips up.
  • Dive towards the floor, then bring your chest and head up.
  • Reverse the movement to return to the start position. 

man in blue t-shirt and shorts performing overhead squat with barbell

2. Barbell overhead squat

Reps: 10 

  • Hold a barbell overhead with your hands roughly double shoulder-width apart. 
  • Squat down as low as possible, keeping your armpits turned forwards for extra stability, then stand up. 

RELATED: 35 of the best barbell exercises for every body part 

man performing stiff-legged deadlift as part of the Men's Fitness cover model workout plan

3. Barbell stiff-legged deadlift

Reps: 10

  • Holding the bar in front of your thighs with a mixed grip, bend forward at the hips with a slight bend in your knees. 
  • When you feel the stretch in your hamstrings, pause for a second, then straighten up.
  • Avoid rounding your back.

man performing jump shrug as part of Men's Fitness cover model workout plan

4. Barbell jump shrug

Reps: 10 

  • Holding the bar in front of your thighs with a shoulder-width grip, do a small ‘jump’ – your feet should hardly come off the ground.
  • Use the momentum to help shrug your shoulders up to your ears.

Workout 1: Olympic lifting

Use low reps and multiple sets to master these lifts. You should tackle each rep fresh with full concentration.

man performing the first stage of a barbell shrug man performing the second stage of a barbell shrug man performing the third stage of a barbell shrug

1. Barbell snatch

Reps: 3
Sets: 3

  • Start with your hands roughly double shoulder-width apart and a barbell on the floor.
  • Keep your back flat, and drive upwards.
  • As the bar passes your knees, drive your hips forwards to catapult the bar overhead.
  • Catch the bar in a squat position, and stand up to finish the move. 

man performing barbell hang clean as part of Men's Fitness cover model workout plan man performing barbell hang clean as part of Men's Fitness cover model workout plan

2. Barbell hang clean

Reps: 3
Sets: 3

  • Start with your hands shoulder-width apart, holding the bar against your thighs with legs slightly bent.
  • Shrug the bar upwards.
  • Your arms shouldn’t be doing much of the work.
  • ‘Catch’ the bar at your chest.

man performing barbell hang squat clean man performing barbell hang squat clean man performing barbell hang squat clean

3. Barbell hang squat clean

Reps: 2
Sets: 3

  • Start with your hands shoulder-width apart, holding the bar against your thighs with legs slightly bent.
  • Shrug to pull the bar up.
  • As the bar passes your knees, ‘jump’ and use the momentum to keep the bar travelling upwards.
  • Your arms shouldn’t be doing much of the work.
  • ‘Catch’ the bar in a full squat – you should be able to use more weight than you used for the hang clean.
  • Stand up to finish the move.

man performing first stage of barbell jerk man performing second stage of barbell jerk

4. Barbell jerk

Reps: 2 each side
Sets: 3

  • Start with the bar at your chest – either clean it into position or take it out of a rack.
  • Dip into a quarter squat, then explode upwards, using the momentum to push the bar overhead.
  • As the bar moves upwards, drop into a half-lunge as you straighten your arms.
  • Once you’ve locked the bar out, bring your feet back together and stand up to finish the move. 

Workout 2: Upper-body strength

Scrivener uses cluster sets for strength and hypertrophy, resting for 30sec between each set, then 3min between clusters. Do the same if you want big gains.

man performing barbell behind the neck overhead pressbarbell behind the neck overhead press

1. Behind the neck barbell overhead press

Cluster sets: 3×4, 3×6, 2×8

  • Stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart a barbell across your back, gripping it with hands just wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Press the bar overhead.
  • Pause at the top and lower to behind your neck under control, taking care not to bash your spine. 

man performing barbell bent-over row man performing barbell bent-over row

2. Barbell bent-over row

Cluster sets: 3×4, 3×6, 2×8

  • Leaning forward at the hips and holding a bar with hands just outside your legs, pull the bar up until it touches your abs.
  • Lower back to the start under control. 

man performing dumbbell chest pressman performing dumbbell chest press

3. Dumbbell chest press

Cluster sets: 3×4, 3×6, 2×8

  • Lie on a bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor and your back against the bench.
  • Press the weight directly above your head but don’t lock out your elbows at the top.
  • Slowly lower the weights back down to your chest, flaring your elbows out to the sides.

RELATED: Best dumbbell exercises & workouts for every body part 

man performing standing dumbbell overhead pressman performing standing dumbbell overhead press

4. Standing dumbbell overhead press

Cluster sets: 3×4, 3×6, 2×8

  • With your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height.
  • Keep your chest upright and your core muscles braced.
  • Press the weights directly upwards until your arms are extended overhead.
  • Lower the bar back down to your shoulders and repeat.

man performing chin-up man performing chin-up

5. Chin-up

Reps: 8
Sets: 3

  • Grab the bar with an underhand grip with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Start from a dead hang with your arms fully extended.
  • Pull yourself up by squeezing your lats together.
  • Once your chin is higher than your hands, lower yourself back to the start.

RELATED: Build a strong upper body with this pull-up bar circuit

Workout 3: Lower-body strength

Scrivener again employs cluster sets to train his legs and glutes for a huge growth hormone boost.

man in blue t-shirt and shorts performing overhead squat with barbell man in blue t-shirt and shorts performing overhead squat with barbell

1. Barbell overhead squat

Cluster sets: 3×4, 3×6, 2×8

  • Hold a barbell overhead with a grip just under double shoulder-width apart.
  • Settle into the position before you start to squat. 
  • Squat down as low as possible, keeping the barbell steady.
  • Stand up under control. 

man performing barbell front squat man performing barbell front squat

2. Barbell front squat

Cluster sets: 3×4, 3×6, 2×8

  • Rest the bar on the front of your shoulders, gripping it lightly with your elbows pointing forward and feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Maintain a natural arch in your back and keep your core braced throughout.
  • Squat down until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor.
  • The deeper you can squat, the better.
  • Drive back up through your heels.

man performing kettlebell swingman performing kettlebell swing

3. Kettlebell swing

Time: 2 mins
Sets: 2

  • Holding a kettlebell in both hands, hinge at your hips and swing the bell between your legs.
  • Drive your hips forward to swing the bell up to shoulder level, using your arms as little as possible.

RELATED: 23 best kettlebell exercises

man performing kettlebell clean and press man performing kettlebell clean and press man performing kettlebell clean and press

4. Kettlebell clean and press

Reps: 15 each side
Sets: 3

  • Swing the kettlebell to start the move, then, as it reaches eye level, pull your elbow under it and catch the bell on your forearm in front of your chest.
  • Dip into a quarter-squat, then drive the bell overhead. 

man performing kettlebell snatch man performing kettlebell snatch

5. Kettlebell snatch

Reps: 25 each side
Sets: 1

  • With feet shoulder-width apart and legs slightly bent, swing the kettlebell to start the move, keeping it close to your body.
  • As it reaches eye level, punch it upwards to catch it at the top of the move.
  • If you do it correctly, the bell shouldn’t bang into your forearm.
  • From the top of the move, flip the kettlebell over and lower smoothly into the next swing.
  • Do all the reps on one side, then the other.

men performing dumbbell lunge

5. Dumbbell lunge

Cluster sets: 3×4, 3×6, 2×8

  • Stand tall holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides.
  • Keep your back upright and core braced.
  • Take a big step forward, keeping your knee over your front foot.
  • Lower until both knees are bent at 90˚, then push off your front foot to return to the start position.
  • Repeat on the other side to complete one rep.


  1. Cover model workout plan: 4-day body-part split
  2. Home dumbbell HIIT workout for a full-body burn
  3. Dumbbell-only workout: try this full-body complex