Four minutes. That’s all this training blast lasts, but in that time you’ll reap the fat-burning and cardio-boosting benefits of a much longer workout.

Just remember to not hold back.

Perform the first exercise continuously at maximum intensity for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, then perform the second exercise for 20 seconds before resting for another 10 seconds.

Do that four times. And that’s it. That’s the workout. Now have a lie down. 

Or if you’re feeling brave, scale things up by either repeating that circuit for another block of four minutes, or pick two different exercises and repeat the same protocol (a cardio movement paired with a strength exercise is a winning combination). 

Burn Body Fat Fast With This Four-Minute Workout | Men's Fitness UKBurn Body Fat Fast With This Four-Minute Workout | Men's Fitness UK

1a. Jumping Lunge 

  • Start in a forward lunge position. 
  • Jump off the ground by driving up with your front leg.
  • Swap your legs over in mid-air so you land with the other leg forward.
  • Alternate legs with each rep.

Burn Body Fat Fast With This Four-Minute Workout | Men's Fitness UK Burn Body Fat Fast With This Four-Minute Workout | Men's Fitness UK

1b. Renegade Row 

  • Start in a press-up position with your feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand. 
  • Brace your core to keep your hips static and do a single-arm row, drawing the weight towards your armpit.
  • Alternate sides with each rep.


Photography: Ben Knight