Do this six-move abs workout twice a week to sculpt a defined set of stomach muscles
Lay out your best exercise mat and get ready to work on your core. This six-move abs workout is split into two mini-circuits of three moves each, or ‘tri-sets’. Each tri-set is essentially a mini-circuits containing three exercises. That means you’ll do moves 1a, 1b and 1c in order, sticking to the reps detailed and only resting after all the reps of the move 1c.
Do three circuits of the first tri-set, which works your upper abs and lower abs, then the fast-twitch muscles of both. Then move on to the second tri-set, in which the three moves work your upper abs, your side abs, and then your entire core, repeating the same pattern to do three circuits of moves 2a, 2b and 2c. Tighten your abs before the first rep of each set so that they are fully engaged for the duration.
The Abs Workout
Tri-set 1
1a. V-sit

Reps: 12
Rest: Go straight into 1b
- Lie on the floor with your legs straight and arms straight above, pointing to the ceiling.
- Lift your head, shoulders, and torso up until the shoulder blades clear the floor while simultaneously raising the lower body (including your bum) off the floor as far as possible.
- Think about reaching towards your toes as your lower body raises from the floor.
1b. Lying leg raise

Reps: 15
Rest: Go straight into 1c
- Lie on your back with hands by your head or your sides.
- Raise your feet as high as you can, keeping them together and your legs straight.
- Keep the tension on your lower abs as you slowly lower them back to the start.
Make it harder by raising your pelvis off the floor, as if trying to touch the ceiling with your toes, at the top of the movement.
1c. Plank

Reps: 60 secs
Rest: 60 secs, then repeat 1a
Sets: 3
- With hands clasped and elbows on the ground, raise your hips to form a straight line from head to heels.
- Keep your core braced and glutes engaged throughout.
This classic isometric hold recruits all the major muscles of your abs and your deep-lying core. Keeping your glutes tensed will work your bum and legs, as well as your lower back.
2a. Dumbbell crunch reach

Reps: 15
Rest: Go straight into 2b
- Lie flat on your back with knees bent, holding a dumbbell in both hands above your chest with arms straight.
- Crunch up, keeping the weight in place.
- Hold this top position, then slowly lower your torso back to the start.
2b. Dumbbell Russian twist

Reps: 15
Rest: Go straight into 2c
- Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet slightly raised, holding a dumbbell in front of you.
- Twist to one side, pause, and then twist to the other side, pause and return to the middle.
- That’s 1 rep.
- Aim to keep your feet off the floor throughout.
Make it easier by resting your feet on the ground.
2c. Dumbbell side crunch

Reps: 15
Rest: 60 secs, then repeat 2a
- Take a dumbbell in your hand and stand tall.
- Lower your torso to the side with the dumbbell – lowering the weight six to eight inches down your leg.
- Raise back up and bend to the other side – that’s 1 rep.
- Repeat for 15 reps on this side, then switch.
Keep your core braced throughout, and stand tall. Don’t let your shoulders hunch, and keep your arms straight to prevent them doing any of the work.
Photography: Eddie Macdonald | Model: Ade Yusuff (W Models)
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