Since his retirement, the Canadian has teamed up with TRUCONNECT by TV.FIT to create his own ‘STRIKE’ programme.
Former two-division UFC World Champion Georges St-Pierre is widely regarded as one of the greatest of all time, and will later this year be inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame.
His new programme will provide users with the tools to train like one of the world’s best UFC fighters.
MF caught up with him to get the inside scoop.

St-Pierre is a certified UFC great | Photo: Getty
Firstly Georges, do you still train like a fighter despite being retired?
I train like a maniac, especially during these times. I always train really hard and these tough times spur me on even more.
I cannot complain because my situation is great and I feel blessed to be in the position I am in, but for me I train because it is therapy.
What can we expect from your STRIKE programme?
It’s a programme that helps people not only to improve their fitness, but also to develop their combat skills.
A lot of the techniques that I teach through the programme, I have used in fights throughout my career, so I know through first-hand experience that they really work.
My programme is for people of all levels, from beginners to a more advanced stage, and you can do it anywhere.
Do you need martial arts experience to give the programme a go?
No, people don’t need any mixed martial arts experience, people can actually initiate themselves with martial arts by starting this programme; at the beginning of the programme, I explain the basic fundamental techniques.
For every advanced exercise there is on the programme, there is always a slightly similar, yet easier exercise that people can do instead, so it really is made for every level of fitness and every type of person, whether that’s someone with mixed martial arts experience, or someone who’s never done it before.
What can people with experience in martial arts expect?
Just because you have experience in martial arts, does not make this programme too easy for you.
It is human nature to want the best results possible by doing the least amount of effort, but in fitness and in these exercises, it doesn’t work like that. I wish it could, but it is not reality.
Whether you have experience in martial arts or not, or if you follow my programme or any other workouts on the platform, you must put in the work and effort.
You need to put yourself into a level of discomfort – the more you push yourself, the better results you will see.
It’s about mentally getting yourself into that zone and accepting that discomfort will see you get results and achieve your goals, be it lose weight or putting on muscle.
Getting fit comes down to a mental barrier that most people cannot cross. Once you’ve crossed that barrier, the rest is easy, but the toughest part is the first step.
It’s about standing up and telling yourself, I will put myself into the grind, I will put myself into that zone of discomfort and I accept it’s going to be tough.
You must be willing to put in the sacrifices to achieve your goals, and that goes for all walks of life.
People who exercise regularly know that it is tough at the start but once you get used to it, it can be very satisfying. You start enjoying the grind and that sort of discomfort because you know the good feeling of achievement once you’ve done it.
What areas of fitness does the programme benefit most?
It helps improve muscle mass, and the programme can also really benefit from a cardiovascular standpoint.
In terms of knowledge and my martial arts background, people on this programme will also learn how to defend themselves at all times.
It is a great programme to get fit, but alike other programmes on the platform, it will help you grow mentally, too.
This is one of the reasons I wanted to collaborate with TRUCONNECT by TV.FIT, because this platform is not only about fitness and athleticism, but there’s a real focus around mental health.
While my programme targets a certain audience, there are other programmes on the platform that target other audiences. Whether it’s an 85-year-old man, or a child, or someone with health issues, this platform offers something for everyone.
Georges St-Pierre’s STRIKE workout series is available exclusively on the TRUCONNECT by TV.FIT app. Download today for your free 30-day trial; visit the TRUCONNECT website or @fitness to find out more.