MF meets David Gandy, the man who’s fronted campaigns for the likes of Dolce & Gabbana and Jaguar, and become the world’s highest-paid male model, to discuss workout regimes, staying positive and the modelling industry…

David Gandy chats to MF. Photo: Jeff Spicer
David Gandy, how’s the life of a superstar model been affected by the pandemic?
It’s definitely been unusual. For the past 20 years I have been travelling non-stop all over the world for work, so having to stay grounded took a bit of time to adapt to. No travelling, no working from different time zones, no jet lag – it’s been different.
Of course, I miss jetting around the world, but it has been a nice respite to be forced to stay in one place for such a long time. I have been able to see my two-year-old daughter grow up, and spend quality time with her.
How have you adapted your workout routine?
This may well surprise people, but I used the first lockdown to give my body a total break. I must have rested for two months – no workouts at all – and just gave myself a chance to relax. It was nice to take the pressure off.
I’m normally in the gym four to five days a week, so I lost quite a lot of muscle mass, but I’ve now gone back to training with my weights and kettlebells at home. I also walk my dog six or seven miles a day, which is great for headspace, and I’ve started running again.
Get back into fitness with the best full-body dumbbell workout to try at home
Looking good with your top off is a key job requirement – were you conscious about your body changing over lockdown?
Obviously I am photographed topless a lot, and I’m known for my fitness and nutrition, but I gave myself some time off and now I’m back at it again.
One of the most important things right now is to build your immune system up and that is something I have always done. I have been a fan of vitamins for years, and have done a lot of work and research on the benefits of taking them.
That’s why I love supporting British brands I truly believe in, rather than as any type of gimmick, and as a brand ambassador for Vitabiotics Wellman I can properly champion them.
David Gandy, can you tell us how the modelling industry changed over the years?
I never really fitted the mould of the male model when I first entered the industry. I always followed my own beliefs, rather than current trends, and that is still my way of thinking.
Where things have changed so much, especially in the digital space, is social media and the use of it as a huge platform to generate interest. The rise in influencers and bloggers has been sudden. That’s really changed the way the modelling world works – especially on Instagram.
2020 has been a test of positivity – how did you stay happy?
Exercise is by far the most important thing for me. I had cabin fever towards the end the second lockdown. Turning back to my fitness regime really helped me cope.
I also had such a lovely upbringing. I think the qualities my parents instilled in me – to always treat people well and to generally be as kind as possible – come back around and ultimately make you feel good.
David Gandy is the ambassador for Vitabiotics Wellman. For more details, visit
Words: Suzanne Baum