This AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) – from Haidar Haskins, head of fitness at Retrofit London – targets all the primary movement functions, while being simple and minimalistic so you can do it pretty much anywhere. All you need is a resistance band and medicine ball (swap out for any weighted object if working out from home).
The focus is on primal movements, teaching your body to move more effectively. Do it on your rest days to improve mobility and flexibility, and improve recovery-assisting blood flow.
Start slowly and find a pace you can maintain for the duration. Complete all exercises one after the other, and go for as many rounds as possible within the allotted time. However, opt for perfect technique over speed – the latter will come as you get fitter and more used to the exercises.
Note down the total rounds completed within the 15-minute allocation and work on improving your score week to week.
Primal AMRAP 15
1a. Resistance Band Face Pull x 15
- Loop your resistance band around a static object at eye level.
- Hold the resistance band with your palms facing down and hands side by side.
- Pull the band, trying to lead from your elbows and separating the hands to shoulder width as you pull.
- Focus on the engagement of your lats.
1b. Kneeling Med Ball Twist x 20
- Start in a kneeling position with your arms out in front of you holding your medicine ball.
- Keeping your arms straight, rotate to your left side allowing your head to follow your hands.
- Rotate from the left to the right, with your eyes following your hands.
1c. Forward to Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg
- From standing, take a step forward with your right leg, making sure the stride is big enough to avoid your knee extending beyond your front foot.
- Place your weight on your right heel and roll up on to the ball of your left foot.
- Lower yourself down in a straight line, trying to get to a 90-degree angle with both legs.
- 1 rep is complete when you have lunged forward and back with the same leg.
- Complete 10 reps on your right leg, then switch to your left.
1d. Squat Opener x 24
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Keeping your left foot pointing forward, take a step with your right leg, so your right foot is facing to your right, and begin your squat.
- Take a step back to the starting position.
- Repeat the movement to your left side, with your right foot pointing forward
- Every squat counts as a rep.
1e. Plank Toe Touch x 30
- Place your palms on the floor underneath your shoulders, with your toes in contact with the floor.
- Try to maintain a straight line from your heels, up to your hips, and finally up to the back of the head.
- Bend your knees and hinge at the hips to touch your left toes with your right hand.
- Repeat the movement with your left hand, touching your right toes.
1f. Bear Crawl x 8 laps
- Find a space that’s roughly two square metres.
- From your hand plank position, walk forward with your left hand, while moving your right leg forwards.
- Keep moving forward, alternating hands and feet until you reach your two-meter mark.
- Turn around and bear crawl your way back to the start.
- 1 lap equals a length forward and back.