Desk-bound job got you feeling lethargic? Rev your metabolism in less than half an hour with this 30-minute fat loss workout.

If you want to lose body fat, you’ll need to take a look at your nutritional habits, lifestyle choices and workout regime. This 30-minute fat loss workout is a great addition to any fitness exercise plan, so grab your exercise mat and read on.

The 30-minute fat loss workout

  1. Dumbbell Thruster
  2. Star Jump
  3. T Press-Up
  4. Walkout
  5. Plank Shoulder Tap
  6. Butterfly Sit-Up
  7. Plyometric Split Squat
  8. Mountain Climber

How to do this 30-minute fat loss workout:

  • 1st round: 45 secs on each exercise, with 15 secs rest between moves
  • 2nd round: 30 secs on each exercise with 10 secs rest between moves
  • 3rd round: 15 secs on each exercise with 5 secs rest between moves
  • Rest for 60-90 secs between each round

Why you can trust the workouts from Men’s Fitness

At Men’s Fitness we pride ourselves on delivering information that serves a singular purpose: to improve some aspect of your health, fitness or wellbeing. For over 16 years, we’ve been publishing authoritative health and fitness content – written by our expert editors and contributors – in the form of the monthly Men’s Fitness magazine. Each of our workouts has been created by either a highly experienced editor or expert contributor, and has been tested and used in real-world situations.

1. Dumbbell Thruster

man demonstrates dumbbell thruster in 30-minute fat loss workout
man demonstrates dumbbell thruster
  • Start by holding a pair of dumbbells in each hand with your arms bent and the weights just above your shoulders (palms facing your ears).
  • With your elbows pointing towards the floor, bend your knees, keep your chest up and get down into a deep squat.
  • Drive up through your heels and punch the weights into the air (keeping your palms facing each other).
  • Return the weights to the start position and repeat.

Need some dumbbells for this 30-minute fat loss workout? Read our review of the best adjustable dumbbells or we recommend the JaxJox 22.6kg DumbbellConnect, $499/£390 – available to buy from

2. Star Jump

man demonstrates star jump in 30-minute fat loss workout
man demonstrates star jump
  • Stand tall with your feet together and your arms by your side.
  • Bend your knees a little and jump into the air, while opening your legs to the side and lifting your arms to a horizontal position.
  • Land through soft knees and then immediately take off again and land back in the start position with your feet together and your arms by your side.

3. T Press-Up

man demonstrates t press up in 30-minute fat loss workout
man demonstrates t press up in 30-minute fat loss workout
  • Get into a press-up position with your feet and hands wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Keeping your hips level and your shoulders squeezed down and together, descend slowly to the ground.
  • Once your chest touches, drive back to the start position with force and lift your right hand from the ground slightly.
  • Keeping your arm straight, open your chest and sweep your right arm out to the side, until your fingers are pointing straight up to the ceiling.
  • Pause and then slowly return to the start position. That’s one rep.

Discover more of the best bodyweight exercises

4. Walkout

man demonstrates walkout in 30-minute fat loss workout
man demonstrates walkout in 30-minute fat loss workout
man demonstrates walkout in 30-minute fat loss workout
  • From a standing position, soften your knees and bend down to touch your toes while keeping your hips up.
  • Now, begin to walk your hands out from your legs, gradually dropping your hips as you go (keep your hips in good alignment by not sagging them down to the floor).
  • Keep walking your hands out past the usual press-up position and see how far you can go – as long as you don’t collapse in a heap on the floor, you’re doing it right.
  • Once you’ve reached your limit, walk the hands all the way back to your legs, while lifting your hips at the same time.
  • Appreciate the stretch you feel in your hamstrings and lower back at the top for a few seconds (let’s face it, you need it). Then bend your knees slightly and lift yourself up to the standing position where you started. That’s one rep.

5. Plank Shoulder Tap

man demonstrates plank shoulder taps in 30-minute fat loss workout
man demonstrates plank shoulder taps in 30-minute fat loss workout
  • Start by placing your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your feet a little wider than hip-width apart.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together and keep your hips in good alignment (not raised up to the ceiling or sagging down to the floor).
  • With your hips and shoulders moving as little as possible, lift your right hand off the floor and tap your left shoulder.
  • Return your right hand to its starting position and do the same with the left hand. That’s one rep.

6. Butterfly Sit-Up

man demonstrates butterfly sit up in 30-minute fat loss workout
man demonstrates butterfly sit up in 30-minute fat loss workout
  • Lie face up on a mat with the soles of your feet together and knees bent out to sides. Reach your arms overhead – this is your starting position.
  • Now, using your core, roll your body up until you are sitting upright, then reach forward to touch your toes.
  • Slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position and repeat.

If you like this 30-minute workout, check out our 6-week fat loss plan

7. Plyometric Split Squat

man demonstrates plyometric split squat
man demonstrates plyometric split squat
  • Begin by standing with your right leg forward, bent at the knee and foot flat on the floor. Your left leg behind you, also bent at the knee and toes on the floor.
  • Drive up through both feet at the same time, as explosively as you can, so that you take off from the ground.
  • While in the air, quickly switch the position of both legs, so that when you land your left leg is now forward and your right leg is behind you.
  • Land softly through bent knees and immediately repeat the movement. That’s one rep.

8. Mountain Climber

man demonstrates mountain climber in 30-minute fat loss workout
  • Get into a press-up position and squeeze your shoulders together and down.
  • Keeping your hips as level as you can, begin with one leg underneath you (toes touching the floor) and keep the other leg out straight (again, toes down).
  • Jump the feet off the floor and switch the leg positions at the same time, while keeping the rest of your body as still as you can.

Photography: Eddie Macdonald | Model: Lawrence Price (W Models)

Ace your fat loss goals with this 30-minute dumbbell workout